Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It’s amazing that such a short word like change brings such deep meaning. To a great certain extent, I do believe that change is good. Change brings a breath of fresh air in a polluted environment. Change widens the perspective of life. Change gives energy to a dying situation. Change causes sparks in dullness. Change injects life in a stagnant world.

Despite being such strong supporter for change, it does irritate me to see certain people changing the roots of their identity just to fit in the small world around them. Whatever changes we made, we should not change who we are inside because that is what makes us special. Change should be made for good and not for any other reason. No matter what happen, no matter how things change, our roots should remain because that is where our foundation, our principles are. Just like a tree with shaky roots easily tumbles, our lives without strong roots will easily crumbles. As seasons change, the color of the leaves change, but the roots remains the same. That is the substance of change.

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