Sunday, October 26, 2008


After a long week of work, the feeling of weakness crawls into my heart once again. It could be due to my tiredness and probably won’t last (I hope), but at the moment the feeling is strong… very strong…

I am feeling weak at this moment. Imperfect as I am, I try to be a good family member, yet there’s so much happening in my family that I am unaware of. Imperfect as I am, I try to be a good friend, yet in many of my friend’s eyes, I fail as a friend. Imperfect as I am, I try to be a good employee, giving my best in all I can, yet I know there are times I disappoint my bosses. Imperfect as I am, I try to be a good Sunday school teacher, hoping to impart some truth into children’s lives, yet I wonder whether I make a difference? Imperfect as I am, I try to support the worship leader, yet I know sometimes they don’t feel they are supported at all. Imperfect as I am, I try learning music and taking up piano lessons, yet after so many years I can’t even play a decent song by myself. In the midst of so much imperfectness, is there even one thing that is perfect about me?

1 comment:

LilOz said...

Honey, you are the perfect friend in my eyes. Please remember that always and forever :)