Saturday, November 29, 2008

The wonders of rain

As I was writing a report on my couch, I could hear the sound of soft thunder outside. I looked out from the window and saw dark clouds floating in the air waiting for the right time to shower the earth beneath them. I can hear the howling of the wind getting louder and stronger. Raindrops started to fall, each drop a sound, making music of their own.

I put aside my laptop and walked towards the balcony. The pleasant sight of rain brings sense of calmness in my soul. The nice smell of rain brings freshness to my mind. As the rain cleanses the earth beneath it, I allow my troubles and hardships to wash down beneath me. I stood there, enduring every moment along the way. I love watching the rain, feeling it’s magic.

When the rain stopped, the earth is renewed once again. I feel I am renewed in mind and soul. A breath of fresh air, a new beginning, a new perspective, I love every part of it. It’s amazing to feel the wonders of rain.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The scans

Three weeks ago, as I was shopping in a mall, I felt pain in my abdomen and nearly fainted. As that was not the first time I nearly fainted in public, I decided to do a check up on my abdomen area.

After getting referral from the panel doctor, I went for a pelvis ultra sound scan. For the results to be effective, the bladder has to be full. So on that morning after drinking at least 5 liters of water, I was finally ready for the scan. As the doctor scanned towards my left kidney, he spotted black spots which he said is larger than the usual normal kidney stones. The right kidney was perfectly normal.

The doctor then recommended me to do another test, the CT scan. The CT scan is an x-ray procedure that combines many x-ray images with the aid of a computer to generate cross-sectional views and, if needed, three-dimensional images of the internal organs and structures of the body. Hence, by doing the CT scan, the black spots in my kidney can be identified. Similar to the ultra sound scan, the bladder has to be full for the results to be effective. So on that morning after drinking at least a million liters of water, I was finally ready for the scan.

The next morning I went to collect my results. Thank God the result was normal. The black spots had disappeared. The doctor explained that the earlier black spots could be due to stones which subsequently had been flushed out. However, if the spots are large, how then can they be flushed out through the normal system? I of course did not probe further and was glad that it’s all over. No matter what the doctor’s scientific explanations were, I know it’s the power of prayer and the depth of faith in Him that helped me through.

Through it all, I’m also blessed to have family and friends that care all the way to the end. They’re there whenever I need them. I could not ask for more. Thank you for not letting me walked alone through the storm.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It’s amazing that such a short word like change brings such deep meaning. To a great certain extent, I do believe that change is good. Change brings a breath of fresh air in a polluted environment. Change widens the perspective of life. Change gives energy to a dying situation. Change causes sparks in dullness. Change injects life in a stagnant world.

Despite being such strong supporter for change, it does irritate me to see certain people changing the roots of their identity just to fit in the small world around them. Whatever changes we made, we should not change who we are inside because that is what makes us special. Change should be made for good and not for any other reason. No matter what happen, no matter how things change, our roots should remain because that is where our foundation, our principles are. Just like a tree with shaky roots easily tumbles, our lives without strong roots will easily crumbles. As seasons change, the color of the leaves change, but the roots remains the same. That is the substance of change.