Saturday, August 1, 2009

My secret place

Over the last few months, I have seemed to forget about the existence of this blog till a friend of mine insisted that I read his blog. Then, it strikes me that I have neglected my blog.

Looking back at the posts that I have posted up, it makes me realized that from the moment the blog existed till now, I can say that I have gone through moments of joy, moments of happiness, moments of sadness, moments of emotional roller coaster. The highs and the lows, the rides in life, the pit-stops along the way always never fail to bring a smile to my face.

My blog, my faithful friend, my secret place….

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The rabbit and the snail

The snail is late again. One hour late. It’s not the first time. In fact, it’s the 4th time this month. He’s just too slow. The other animals are getting more and more impatient each time.

“I have better things to do,” says the squirrel. “I still need to practice my singing,” says the songbird. “I have a whole garden of carrots that need my attention,” says the rabbit. “Let’s carry on our meeting without the snail. We’re busy animals. We don’t have time to waste,” the rabbit continues.

Towards the evening, the rabbit thought of possible solutions to the problem. The meeting cannot always carry on without the snail. It’s only fair that he too must have a say in all matters. “I will help him,” thought the rabbit. “I will encourage him to walk faster, to be more efficient and I will be a good example to him. The next meeting, I shall go early to his house and walk together with him to the meeting hall.”

On the day of the meeting, the rabbit rose early and rushed to the snail’s house. The snail was grateful for the rabbit’s help and tried his best to push forward as fast as he can. However, no matter how hard the snail pushed, they are still moving inch by inch. Knowing that the snail tried his best, the rabbit slowed down and take each step at a time.

Taking each step at a time, the rabbit started to notice the beautiful flowers by the roadside. The colorful flowers with butterflies everywhere made the rabbit smile. The tall trees that stand so elegant towards the sky amazed the rabbit. Fluffy clouds dancing in the blue sky brought joy to his heart. The sound of the wind on the leaves was like music to his ears. “What a beautiful day,” whispered the rabbit. “How beautiful nature is, how amazing God’s creation is. Thank you, snail for helping to open my eyes and my heart to appreciate the wonders of this world.”

Who would have thought that the rabbit so eager to offer help was helped in the end?

Did I rush through my life? Am I walking 2 steps at a time? Will I be able to look back and remember the moments of my life? Did I ever stop and ponder? Did I ever realise the things that I have missed? Do I need a snail in my life?

Life is worth the appreciation. Appreciate each step along the way. Enjoy each moment of your life. Let the stones along your path be colorful stones instead of stumbling blocks. Let the glorious times bring contentment to your soul. Let your heart be filled with joy instead of resentment. Let your life be YOUR life.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The art of giving

Once upon a time, there lived a rich family in a small town by the countryside. Adam, the eldest son was a graduate from Harvard. One day, Adam was walking along the fields with his father chatting and sharing of his experiences outside his hometown. As they were walking, Adam saw a pair of old shoes by the fields belonging to a poor farmer who was working nearby.

Adam turned to his father and suggested that they played a trick on the poor farmer. He will hide his shoes, and then hide themselves behind the bushes to see the reaction of the farmer when he cannot find them.

His father suggested that instead of hiding the shoes, to put a coin inside each shoe and wait for the reaction of the farmer. So, Adam did as his father suggested and hide themselves behind the bushes and wait.

The farmer finished his work, came across the fields where he placed his shoes. While putting on one side of his shoes, he felt something at his feet and took it out. Seeing the coin, he looked around to see who might have dropped it. Seeing no one, he then put on the other side of his shoes. Again, he felt something and bend to pick it up.

Seeing the coins in his hands, his feelings overcame him and he knelt down and cried. He uttered aloud a prayer of thanks for the two coins given that will help him to feed his children and help his sick wife.

Adam stood there greatly affected and his eyes filled with tears, understood the real meaning of “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

During this Christmas season, many would expect to receive presents and blessings, not knowing the real joy of Christmas is the joy of giving. Many have focus on receiving and forget the pleasures of giving.

I hope that I have given something this Christmas season. Merry Christmas.