Friday, December 19, 2008

The art of giving

Once upon a time, there lived a rich family in a small town by the countryside. Adam, the eldest son was a graduate from Harvard. One day, Adam was walking along the fields with his father chatting and sharing of his experiences outside his hometown. As they were walking, Adam saw a pair of old shoes by the fields belonging to a poor farmer who was working nearby.

Adam turned to his father and suggested that they played a trick on the poor farmer. He will hide his shoes, and then hide themselves behind the bushes to see the reaction of the farmer when he cannot find them.

His father suggested that instead of hiding the shoes, to put a coin inside each shoe and wait for the reaction of the farmer. So, Adam did as his father suggested and hide themselves behind the bushes and wait.

The farmer finished his work, came across the fields where he placed his shoes. While putting on one side of his shoes, he felt something at his feet and took it out. Seeing the coin, he looked around to see who might have dropped it. Seeing no one, he then put on the other side of his shoes. Again, he felt something and bend to pick it up.

Seeing the coins in his hands, his feelings overcame him and he knelt down and cried. He uttered aloud a prayer of thanks for the two coins given that will help him to feed his children and help his sick wife.

Adam stood there greatly affected and his eyes filled with tears, understood the real meaning of “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

During this Christmas season, many would expect to receive presents and blessings, not knowing the real joy of Christmas is the joy of giving. Many have focus on receiving and forget the pleasures of giving.

I hope that I have given something this Christmas season. Merry Christmas.