Monday, September 29, 2008

Stones along my path

If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you,
Then how can you contend with horses?
And if in the land of peace,
In which you trusted, they wearied you,
Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?

Overcoming obstacles is never an easy task in life. It requires strength and strong will. Yet, it is something that we cannot escape from. The above verses illustrates on the encouragement of overcoming obstacles. If one cannot even overcome the obstacles now, how then can one move forward to greater things?

I hold the verses in my heart, full of confidence to overcome any obstacles that comes my way. Overcoming obstacles is not just part of life. It is what life is about – walking along paths of stones…

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The world

Some people think that the world is a great place to stay. Some thinks that the world is only meant for people to suffer. What does the world means to me, I often wonder before I close my eyes at night. I guess no matter how much one wonders, one will never get the answer. As often as the world changes, as often as people’s views change too. But one thing I do know for sure, is that I’m grateful to be where I am today.